
ONE OF THESE DAYS by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

  The word count is only 994, and yet it is a rich and suggestive story. Marquez does not reveal what took place between the Mayor and the dentist, but he skillfully suggests that there was a formidable incident years before.
The foreshadows:
1. false teeth: the Mayor is a false person.
2. collarless striped shirt, a golden stud, suspenders: unbalanced appearance unlike a dentist
3. erect and skinny: negative image
4. the way deaf people have of looking: the dentist does not suit to the dentist office atmosphere. He is foreign to the situation.
5. even when he didn’t need it: he is contemplating
6. pensive buzzards: death
7. Tell him I’m not here: a conflict between the Mayor and the dentist is revealed.
8. So much the better: an intense conflict
9. He hadn’t changed his expression: he is well collected, not upset 10. shoot you: arouse the conflict tension
11. There was a revolver: more intense tension, the dentist is serious 12. His breath is icy: painful, deathlike
13. without anesthesia: the dentist revenges the Mayor by giving him much pain
14. icy void in his kidneys: his kidneys do not function, meaning he is a dirty blooded man
15. Dry your tears: the word “tears” suggests that the dentist has won the conflict.
16. the crumbling ceiling … eggs: the dentist poor house contrasted with the Mayor’s lavish one
17. the same damn thing: the Mayor’s victory over the conflict
18. One of These Days: The title suggests that the dentist and his group will revenge the Mayor one of these days.

  The story is a model material which teaches how to use foreshadows and how to lure the readers.

落葉亭 結城信一

結城が五十四歳の時(1970年)の作品だが、八十歳の時に書いたような書き方をしている。 読んでいて、いらだたしさを覚えた。死ぬことばかり書いてある。死んだ女性が現れ、死後の保険や廃庭の話。やりきれない思いになる。

遠藤周作 男と九官鳥

 三人の男のそれぞれの個性や堀口主任の性格がうまく描かれている。文学的な美文調でなくても、読者を十分引きつけていく力がある。タイトルの「男」とは三人の男たちのことであろう。 九官鳥の「ゲロゲロ」と「マヌケ」を上手く使っている。終わり方もいい。