

The Drowned Giant by J. G. Ballard (1930 –2009)
The story reminded me of the Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire. The empire was strong, prosperous, undefeated, admired and awed, but in the end its territories were limited to the small area called Constantinople and then was defeated by Ottoman Turks. The Empire fell but its ruins still remain.
Like the Roman Empire, the giant was first awed by the people but then made light of and finally discarded leaving only huge bones.


猫の泉 日影丈吉




The Daemon Lover by Shirley Jackson

  The protagonist looks for her groom, asking several people such as the superintendent, a newspaper dealer, a florist, and a shoeshine man, only to find at the end of the story that he seems to be with a girl without any proof. She sees “it, sitting very close to her, near the wall, its evil face alert, bright eyes watching her.” What is this? Is it a ghost?
   The ending was not worth the suspense the reader undergoes. Shirley seems to have avoided giving a better ending. Why does the bride go to the apartment so often? Why doesn’t she give up visiting it? Is Jamie so important for her? After all, he does not write, call, nor appear before her. He is such a nasty man. The story consists of too long a suspension and too abrupt and unsatisfactory ending.


ニュージーランド 吉田知子


大広間 吉田知子


Fable by Charles Yu

  The story begins with: “Once upon a time, there was a man whose therapist thought it would be a good idea for the man to work through some stuff by telling a story about that stuff.”
  He makes up a story and tells it. As he tells the story, he identifies himself with the protagonist and gradually he reveals his own problems he faces in his life. The time is up and when he says, See you next week, to which the therapist says, Maybe. My interpretation of the word, Maybe is that the therapist thinks his problem has been resolved.
  I enjoyed the development of the story and the ending.


荒仏師運慶  梓澤 要

 大体パクリ?が多い。2008年に書かれた「運慶と快慶」西木暉著と同じシーンが出てくる。たとえば初めの部分の結城七郎の登場。また南大門の仁王像を向き合わせるとかへその位置を下げるとか、全く同じだ。 (「仁王像大修理」の説を踏襲している)次に、仁王像についての研究が足らない。吽形像には運慶が作ったという書き込みがないのにこの小説は運慶が彫ったことになっている。そういう小説もあっていいが、抵抗がある。


"St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" by Karen Russell

This is a magical reality story. The reader feels as if the story takes place in the real world. There can’t be girls raised by wolves. There can’t be any Home to turn the wolf-raised girls to civilized ladies. But Russell is skillful to make the reader believe the existence of such a world. Gradually the girls are accustomed to leading ladies lives. They begin to talk and dance like human beings.

Skillful and well-described points are:

1. The description of the five stages. This sounds like the wolf-girls are scientifically supported.

2. The wild manners the girls show at the first stage, such as spraying yellow water all over the room, sound real.

3. At the end of the story the protagonist tells her first human lie, “I’m home” is skillful.

4. Mirabella’s role in the story is significant. It contrasts good students and bad students.

"England Underway" by Terry Bisson

The idea of the story is astonishing. The whole Britain Island sets sail westward with the south side as bow and the Scotland side as stern. Ireland does not follow the main island, but remains.

BBC announces that Britain is underway. The destination turns out to be New York, where the protagonist, Mr. Fox meets his niece, Emily. Then, the island resumes sailing, this time, to south by southwest, meaning it is not bound for the original place.

The story does not tell scientifically why and how the island comes to move. Komatsu Sakyo’s “Nihon Chinbotsu” (Sinking Japan) explains how and why Japan sinks with a lot of scientific supporting materials (seismology and geophysics). Since it is a fiction, it is nonsense to demand the scientific theories. The reader should just enjoy the story.

The interesting scenes are: people in the small islands (British territory) in the Atlantic Ocean line on the beach and salute the moving England; when England reaches New York, it brings fog and rain to the big city; and the letter from Emily reaches one day and then two days earlier than usual, because the distance from the sailing England and New York is constantly shrinking.

However, I am disappointed because nothing special happens except that England sails to New York so that Mr. Fox meets Emily. And that is all about the story. You can sail to New York by boat. The whole England Island doesn’t have to move so that Mr. Fox meets Emily. The plot itself is unbelievable, but something more, something unexpected should happen during the voyage. The ending is suggestive, for it does not hint where it is heading for.

日本沈没 小松左京

 その描き様とは微細極まりない。  例えば「地殻の平均的な弾性限界から、そこにたくわえられるエネルギーの限界が計算され、それはまた、一回の地震によって放出されるエネルギーの理論的限界値をも導きだすのだ。地殻のある部分だけとって見れば、(中略)地殻部分の一弾性単位に蓄えられ得るエネルギーの理論的限界値――5X10の24乗エルグ、つまりマグニチュード8.6に相当するーーを越えることはないはずだった」というような記述が、これでもかこれでもかと地震の波のように襲ってくる。左京がいかに苦労して日本が沈没する地震学的裏付けに力を砕いたかがわかる。

 しかし、いくら「理論武装」をしても、日本列島のみが沈むということは素人判断ではあるが、ありえない。ありえないことを無理してありえるように描いているから空空しい。フィクションもテリー・ビッスンTerry Bissonの「英国航海中」England Underwayのように読者は初めからありえないことが起こっていることを受け入れて読んでいるから楽しめる。左京はありえないことをいかにもあり得るように読者を説得しようと躍起になっている。結局は白々しくなる。
 ただ感心するのは、日本が沈没したら日本民族はどうなるのか。かってのイスラエル民族のように世界の放浪者となってしまうのか。小説では何千万人の日本人が船で飛行機で海外の国々に分散していくが、彼らは現地の民族と溶け合ってついには日本民族の血が消えていくという日本民族、われら日本民族の故郷日本列島をいとおしむ、なんともやるせない気持ちにさせてくれた。 「日本は見えるか」 「いいえ……」 「もう沈んだのかな。……煙も見えないか?」 「なにも見えないわ」 (最後のページより)  なんとも言いようのないさみしさを覚える。


Three Short Moments in a Long Life John L’Heureux

Funny and humorous, but sad at the same time.

The ending is very impressive, and well contrasted against the rest of the “noisy” story.
The three parts seem to stand separately, but connected in the bottom. It is difficult to understand that the protagonist is the same person in The Spy, The Writer, and The Substance of Things Hoped for. When you become as old as the protagonist, you look back your life in the way the writer describes. Every old man has his boyhood, and middle aged times.

How sad and touching the ending part is:
“… And then, as we draw one last breath together, I snatch your hand. And hold it. Holding it, and holding it, and still holding it, I breathe out.”

窓 バリー ユアグロー

ショートショート固有のどんでん返しとか意表をつくエンディングではなく、悲しいunhappy endingとなっている。


あやかしの鼓 夢野久作


1. 出だしの10行(……皆この鼓の音を聞いたため死を早めた)で読者を話しに引きずり込む。

2. アイデアがいい。100年前の怨念が現代によみがえる

3. 鼓の話でこれだけの話(150枚ぐらい)が書ける才能。

4. 結末に向けてどんどん読者を引っ張っていく


1. 後半が目まぐるしく展開していくが(火事、未亡人の変態性、妻木のツル子の殺害、老先生の首吊り自殺、ツル子は実は綾姫の末裔など)、読者の威容をつく場面が多すぎてついていけない。

2. クライマックスが長すぎて、却って話のクライマックスがない。

3. 話が複雑に入り込みすぎで読むのに一苦労する

4. 話が出来すぎている。いかにも読者を楽しませようという魂胆が見え見えの作り話。自然体でない。

5. 分からない点

p.138 「みるみる鼓の音に明るい味がついて来てやがて普通の鼓の音になった」
  p. 140 「霊魂の迷いを晴らす道はもうわかったろう

   p. 142 「音丸久能の恨みはこの間老先生の手で晴らされている」


Good Country People by Flannery O’Connor

  A surprising ending for the reader, and a cruel ending for Joy-Hulga and a well-developed plot. She does not believe in Christianity but in good nature in human-beings. However, Pointer, the bible salesman, seemingly a pious Christian, is actually an evil. He enjoys teasing handicapped women—Hulga and the woman with artificial eyes. He never looks like one.
  A good short story does not end as an ordinary reader expects. This work is a typical example of this kind. The contrast of pious Hulga and evil Pointer is the key point of this story. What will become of Hulga-Joy? She has a JOYful life by education, but she turns out to be a miserable girl like Hulga.
  The ending paragraph where Mrs. Hopewell and Mrs. Freeman talk about Pointer without knowing his true nature is also good.


競馬 織田作之助






夫婦善哉  織田作之助









美しい水死人 ガブリエル・ガルシア・マルケス

マジカルリアリティ作品。現実には長い間海につかっていた男が、殻や鱗や海藻を落としても、美しい顔が現れてくるはずがないのに、この作品ではまるで本当に美しい男の顔が現れ、村中が葬儀に参加し、隣村からも花束を持って来たり、果ては村の近くを航行する船の船長までが「あそこがエスティバーンの村ですよ」という。 ありえないことを、ありえたことのように書かれていて面白い。その筆力がすごい。


EVELINE James Joyce

This is another good example of short stories. Introduction: Eveline is watching out of the window. She is tired. Toward Climax: She wonders whether to stay or to escape to Buenos Ayres with Frank. Resolution: She grips with both hands at the iron railing and refuses to go with him. I identified myself with Eveline and wondered which course to take. The ending is impressive: “She set her white face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition.”

ARABY James Joyce

James Joyce presented a model example of how to write a good short story; it should gradually build up to the climax and give the reader the resolution at the end. The brief plot goes: the boy wants to buy something nice to the girl but his father doesn’t come back. He gradually gets irritated because the market would be closed soon. At the climax he says, “No, thank you” to the shop lady who was not kind enough. She at least did not encourage him to buy something. I identified myself with the boy. I understand the boy’s psychology when he said, “No, thank you.” The things surrounding him laughed at him, abused him, and depressed him. He was vexed. He was frustrated. The ending is impressive: “Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.”







⑤重要でない部分は中間話法(描出話法)で書かれている(約20行ほど)。例:That light was part of his charge? これはThat light is part of your charge?と言うことで「あの信号灯も君の仕事の一部なのですか」という小池氏の役となっている。

⑥疑問点:出だしの「そこの下の人!」below thereは谷の上から信号手に行っているのだから分かるのだが、トンネルから出てきた機関車の機関手が「そこの下の人!」below there と言うだろうか。線路はすいへいであるから「下」と言うのはおかしい。 Native speakerに訊いたらengine driverの席は線路に立っている信号手よりたかいhigher位置にあるから、これでいいと言っていた。 訳が混乱を招くので、出だしを「そこの人!」機関手も「そこの人!」とした方がいい。








THE DRIVER Thomas McGuane

  Because of Spencer, a retarded child, a driver, a well-meaning man, who just happens to see Spence walking alone and tries to drive him home, is regarded as a kidnapper. As a result, the driver commits suicide with his gun. What a miserable ending!
   The development of the story is excellent. The same pronunciation of two words, Bayreuth and Buy-Rite is well used in the story. The driver, who gets angry and leaves Spencer alone, after all, comes back to help him. This shows how good a man the driver is. The unexpected ending is so shocking.
  But that could happen to any man. The use of golf-ball-size hail in the end of the story is effective. The public often fail to see the truth. The driver’s arrest is a mistake and the hail is a fake.



  I have never read such a unique story which consists of two short stories within it. The conversation between the protagonist and her father reveals what each of them think is a good short story. She thinks the story that contains unnecessary description of the characters is not good, while he thinks description of the characters’ backgrounds is necessary. Also, she thinks the ending does not decides the destiny of the main character while he thinks the ending is final and no character can escape from the destiny.
  The second story is too elaborate and complicated to understand. Paley reveals the detailed description of the characters could be hindrance to understanding the story by intentionally using irrelevant and ironical expressions.


蜥蜴 内田百閒 


押絵の奇蹟 夢野久作



