
穢土 中上健次

話が分かりにくい。女が「上人様、お願いです」と言っている気持が明らかでない。夫を殺されたことを知りつつ、このような態度に出るだろうか。夫を殺したその手で自分も殺してほしいのか。 男はついには自分も「お救いくださいまし」とお願いする立場になっていくまでの叙述がいい。 最後、男は弥陀から目をそらすが、自責の念があったからか。

水 佐多稲子

文章が抜群にうまい。出だし「幾代はそこにしゃがんでさっきから泣いていた」、終りの「さえぎるものがなくなって春の陽があたった」ともに素晴らしい。 読者を同情させる仕掛け(左足、母を温泉に連れて行く夢、5歳で父を亡くす、母の死、雇い主の非常)を出していく手際よさ。


Billennium by Shirley Jackson

Billennium by Shirley Jackson
The setting is unique: because of the overpopulation on the earth, people have to live in a confined room or a cubicle. In the end of the story, as many as seven people, that is, two young men, two young women, and three aged people share a 15 feet square room with each person “living” in a two feet wide space.
The first half of the story is interesting; it describes how conjested the town and the streets are: you need a lot of time and energy to reach the restaurant just opposite the street because you have to elbow your way to your destination. It was a vivid description. The rent of the cubicle is getting higher and higher and some people re-rent their tiny space which has been produced by divding the original cubicle.
The latter half is not interesting. First, Ward and Rossiter discover a room adjacent to their room, but after moving there, they invite their girl friends and they invite their aged relative and parents making the room so narrow. Since you can guess the ending, the story is not exciting.
At the end of the story, Ward dismantles the wardrobe to make space. The wardrobe does not take a significant part throughout the story, but it appears at the final part. It is irrelevant. The writer should describe about the furniture much more in early pages. So, ehe ending does not summarize the whole story. It does not conclude anything, nor predict the near future.
Every episode is boring. The story does not give any climax or dissolution. The writer may have enjoyed writing this “unique” story, but it does not convey any impressive feelings. I can see how the writer forced himself to describe how narrow the space each person has.


梟雄 坂口安吾

1.司馬遼太郎の同名小説『国盗り物語』と荒筋はほとんど同じで。油売りの銅銭かを通すやり方や、信長が小屋のなかから道三のひどい服装を見る場面など。 目新しくない。
2.カタカナが多い。レンラク スイセン、ムリ、テイネイ、ムホンなど、カタカナの効果を狙ったのだが、小説が安っぽくなった。
3.安っぽいと言えば。罵倒語が多すぎる。267ぺーじにはカタカナのバカヤローが三回、バカが5回出てくる。やり過ぎ。読者を馬鹿にしている。 歴史を馬鹿にしている。

道鏡 坂口安吾

〇 良い点

X 良くない点
