
落ちてくる! 伊藤人譽

伊藤人譽 1913- 昭和時代の小説家。


Miracle Polish by Steven Millhauser

The effect of the “Miracle Polish” lures the reader into reading the next page. The protagonist looks more attractive in the polished mirror, and so does his girlfriend, Monica.
  Monica hates the effect. She wants him to look at her real self. Therefore, he destroys all the mirrors in the house one after another like a mad man. But contrary to the reader’s expectation, he is so persistent in asking how she liked the destruction of the mirrors; he asks her, “Are you happy?” He repeats the question again and again to the extent that he is obsessed.
Probably she will lose interest in him. That means: “This is the lucky day” turns out to be “This is the unlucky day.”
  The story ends in the air.

My Oedipus Complex by Frank O’Conner

  This is one of the best short stories I have ever read. The most amazing thing about this story is that the psychology of the protagonist, a five-year-old boy, is precisely described. His battle against his father over his mother is so well written that I identified myself with him (although I don’t think I had such a combatant relationship with my father). Both his father and his mother’s irritation are also described vividly.
  While reading the story, I wondered what would be the ending, but the writer finnished the story by bringing a baby, Sonny, between the boy and his father. Both of them are now hindrance in bringing up the baby. So, in conclusion they come to a truce. They are deprived of the woman they loved by the appearance of the second child.  
  This is a very persuasive ending.
  How imaginative the writer is in revealing the child’s psychology!