
My Oedipus Complex by Frank O’Conner

  This is one of the best short stories I have ever read. The most amazing thing about this story is that the psychology of the protagonist, a five-year-old boy, is precisely described. His battle against his father over his mother is so well written that I identified myself with him (although I don’t think I had such a combatant relationship with my father). Both his father and his mother’s irritation are also described vividly.
  While reading the story, I wondered what would be the ending, but the writer finnished the story by bringing a baby, Sonny, between the boy and his father. Both of them are now hindrance in bringing up the baby. So, in conclusion they come to a truce. They are deprived of the woman they loved by the appearance of the second child.  
  This is a very persuasive ending.
  How imaginative the writer is in revealing the child’s psychology!

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