
The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant

Questions on "The Necklace"

1. It is unnatural for Loisel to go to Forestier to borrow the jewel because Loisel "would so  have liked to please, to be envied, to be charming, to be sought after." In other words, she disliked to be pitied, to be sympathizied, to disgrace herself, to be looked down upon. She is the least women who would borrow a jewel from her aquaintance. That would be a shame for her. Borrwoing the jewel from Forestier is unlike Loisel.

2. Why didn't Forestier say, "But this is paste. Is it all right with you?" Maupassant intentionally hide the truth, for the sake of the last surprise. This is a dirty trick. 

3. When Loisel returned the neckless to Forestier, she said, "You should have returned it sooner, I might have  needed it." But Loisel had written to her that she was having the necklace mended. Therefore, Forestier's words sound too cold. Moreover, she had a lot of wonderful  jewels besides the necklace. She could have worn any one of them.

4. When Loisel happened to meet Forestier after ten years' interval, she 'accuses' her by saying, "... and that because of you!" But Forestier is not responsible for the hard work she underwent. The words "becasue of you!" is too harsh and pointless.

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